The Expat coach
Are you in need of an expat coach? As an expatriate, you may find yourself residing, either temporarily or permanently, in a foreign country with a distinct culture, language, and/or way of life. This journey can be both exhilarating yet challenging, leaving you wondering if you are truly well-prepared to navigate this new environment. Initially, this opportunity for personal growth might appear exciting, but perhaps you are contemplating returning home sooner than expected for various reasons.
Studies indicate that asmany as 40% of foreign assignments end in early return. This occurs for a variety of reasons, including selecting the wrong candidate, insufficient local support, difficulty in adjusting to the new culture, culture shock, the need forlanguage learning, high costs, loneliness, spousal unemployment, and feeling overwhelmed. The result:Unfavourable consequences for both you and your organization, especially given the high costs associated with expat assignments, averaging about $311,000/year. It would, therefore, be unfortunate not to find your footing in a foreign country.
As an expat coach, my role is to provide comprehensive support and guidance, to empower you and grow your confidence, and to prepare you as best as possible, enabling you to make your international assignment a resounding success. Together, we can work to overcome challenges, enhance your adaptability, and maximize the benefits of this unique opportunity abroad.
Expat coaching
I established The Expat Coach in 2016,intending to provide comprehensive coaching services to expats, international students, and migrants. My expertise spans culture and migration, personal development, relocation, relationships skills, and adjustment to a new culture—all of which are geared toward facilitating a positive outcome and smooth transition into work and life in a new country.
My background encompasses extensive expatriation and repatriation experience accumulated over 30 years of living across various countries, including Morocco, Germany, France, and the Netherlands, enabling me to emphasize, advise, and provide invaluable insight and guidance. Through an onboarding session, a tailored training programme, and one-on-one coaching, I assist migrants, international students, and expats in overcoming any difficulties they may encounter and preparing appropriately for their time abroad.

Challenges Faced by Expats
As an expat, you may find yourself grappling with various difficulties, large and small. Frequently, expats cite lack of family support, cultural differences, the difficulty of language learning, limited social or professional network, and struggling to adjust to a different culture as the most common and pressing hurdles. Feelings of uncertainty and unfamiliarity can also add further complexity.
Furthermore, successfully navigating the unfamiliar rules and regulations of your host country—encompassing insurance, housing, schooling, and more—can be overwhelming and highly stressful. From seeking new employment and finding a new family doctor to pursuing new hobbies, the list of tasks to manage may seem absolutely endless.This is compounded even further if relocating with a spouse – often leading to spousal concerns and spousal unemployment concerns.
Occasionally, you may find yourself stuck in a cycle of loneliness, insecurity, and dwindling energy, leading to a far less enjoyable time in your new surroundings.
I am here to help you in breaking this cycle once and for all. I want to enable you to truly relish your experience abroad and enjoy your new host country's culture.
Enhancing Your Expat Experience
Together, we will explore how your situation and transition impact not only you as an expat but also your family and your wider organization. By identifying strategies for success in your international assignments, we work towards resolving common challenges and fostering a fulfilling expat life. Through personalized coaching, I will support you in identifying issues, setting goals, boosting your confidence,shifting your mindset, supporting your personal growth, and helping you make the most of your time abroad. Ultimately, my goal is to empower you to thrive in your host environment and cherish every moment of this unique journey.
This is what our customers say
EXCELLENT Based on 27 reviews Ahmed Said (Saidbico)2023-07-19 De heer Mohamed Ittidar, als Expat Coach, verdient een welgemeend compliment. Hij is een rustige en geduldige professional die zijn ervaring en deskundigheid op een effectieve manier inzet. Hij is een ervaren coach die in staat is om individuen op een dieper niveau te begrijpen en hen te begeleiden bij het bereiken van hun doelen. Mohamed is iemand die iedereen ziet en erkent, waardoor mensen zich gehoord en begrepen voelen. Zijn goede communicatieve vaardigheden stellen hem in staat om effectief te communiceren met een diverse groep mensen. Hij is respectvol naar anderen toe en accepteert iedereen zoals ze zijn, waardoor er een veilige en ondersteunende omgeving wordt gecreëerd. Als innovator staat Mohamed open voor nieuwe ideeën en benaderingen, en zoekt hij voortdurend naar creatieve manieren om zijn coachingproces te verbeteren. Zijn aanwezigheid als Expat Coach is ongetwijfeld waardevol en inspirerend. Ahmed Said :) Said Ouardi2023-07-18 Via Trais pedagogica cursus gevolgd over opvoeding en interculturele pedagogiek. Het was zeer interessant en leerzaam. De cursus werd begeleid door de heer Ittidar. Hij is zeer deskundig in zijn vak. Ik raad iedereen deze cursus aan. Laila2023-07-18 Ik heb veel geleerd tijdens de training. Hartelijk dank hiervoor. MOHAMMED SBIH2023-07-16 تعلمت كتير اشياء كنت مابعرفها صراحة عم كل العلاقات والاهم العلاقة مع الاطفال وعلاقتي مع بنتي واهم شي انو نعرف كيف نعيش بسلام مع عائلتنا ونقدر نعمر ونربي جيل طيب وجيد ينهض بالمجتمع لك جزيل الشكر استاذ محمد على كل درس علمتنا اياه وبتمنى نشوفك اكتر ونتعلم منك اكتر Rizgar Pshdary2023-07-15 السلام عليكم الله يكثر من امثالكم Weekendonderwijs Assoenat2023-07-14 Wij hebben van deze debat van opvoeding een hoop van geleerd en dat was erg leerzaam.dank voor de alles en het is wel de moeite waard om deze opvoedingdebat te volgen.echt een aanrader Manal Altal2023-07-14 Waardevolle en nuttige informatie op een eenvoudige manier
Need Help? Call the Expat Coach!
Would you like to be coached by The Expat Coach? Then contact me directly via (tel) or mail to (mail) for a no-obligation initial onboarding session. Alternatively, you can fill out the contact form or make an appointment directly through my calendar. Together we will assess what steps are needed to chart your best path forward. The Expat Coach is ready to get to work!